Tonight @ 8 PM- Me and My Daughter Tell Our Story

So excited that me and my daughter have come to the point of healing where we can tell our story as a mother and daughter on podcast “Oh We Gon’Talk”.

What’s going on?

So excited that me and my daughter have come to the point of healing where we can tell our story as a mother and daughter on this podcast. Many of you know the work that I had to do to win my daughter’s heart back. Get ready for a phenomenal discussion. My husband and I have been on Natalie and Saunte’s program before and their vibe and work to heal relationships in our community is awesome.

Me and My Daughter Without Our Church

Sometimes things that may seem small can have huge repercussions. I’ve talked about unsaid messages I received growing up. Now it was my turn to hear my daughter’s struggles. My daughter and I had a necessary conversation recently since we are both in therapy. I approached her with the thought of covering some ground in our relationship. She’s always been feisty (that’s my side of the family) but she had this underlying anger over small things that she didn’t like about herself. She said it was hard to discuss but she wanted to make a first attempt.

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